We look forward to your visit.
The doctors and staff at Seattle Natural Health are here to help you get on the path to vibrant health. Our goal is to shorten healing time by providing you with the most effective treatment, resources, and personalized care.
Please download your forms here and complete them before your first appointment. Choose the forms that fit your situation. Use an auto accident or worker's comp form if appropriate.
New Patients: Please fill out the Intake Forms and Clinic Financial Policy Form.
Auto Accident: If you have been in an auto accident and are filing a claim, fill out the Personal Injury Form and Clinic Financial Policy Form.
Worker's Compensation Form: If you've been injured on the job, and are filing a claim, fill out the Worker's Compensation Form and Clinic Financial Policy Form.
Please bring your forms to your first appointment or fax them to our clinic at 206.306.0037.
Check in for New Patients is 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. For subsequent naturopathic visits, please check in 15 minutes ahead and for chiropractic visits, 5 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time.
Dr. Ramaley offers Telehealth appointments as well.
For all cancellations, please notify us 24 hours in advance via telephone. For missed appointments without 24 hours notice, there will be a fee ranging from $30 to $150, depending upon the kind of visit and time set aside for you. We send out reminder emails or texts 48 hours in advance of appointments. Again, call us if you need to cancel.
Phone & Email Communications
If needed, we invite you to follow up a visit with a quick email update, clarification or question. If our response requires more than a ten minute research, email or call, there will be a charge. If it is about a new symptom or condition, please call for an appointment so we can offer you thorough care.
An off -hours phone number is provided on our phone message. That number is for emergencies. If the doctor spends more than 10 minutes talking with you or prescribing a medication, there will be a charge of $50 -$150, depending on the complexity of condition and time spent.
Referrals, Lab Requisitions & Prescriptions
Please allow two to four business days for us to process your requests.
Payment is collected at the time of service for everyone except Personal Injury and Labor and Industries patients for whom we bill. We are not providers for personal insurance networks, but you can submit a superbill for out-of-network services to your plan. See below for costs and more details:
Personal Insurance: We will give you a superbill to send to your insurance company for reimbursement.
Personal Injury (auto accidents): We will accept your claim and bill your auto insurance company and/or attorney. We work with attorneys to help you receive any compensation you are due.
Labor and Industries (worker’s compensation): We will accept your claim and bill L&I as usual.
Zerona cold laser fat loss therapy costs $225 per 40 minute session plus vibration plate. 6 session package includes a discount (slightly more than 10%) = $1,199, and a 10 session package with a discount (slightly more than 15%) = $1,899. After 10 paid sessions, clients can join the Zerona Club and pay $109/session.
Nutritional supplements are not covered by insurance companies. They are refundable if returned within 30 days unopened, but only if the doctor prescribed them for you. Special order supplements are not returnable. There will be a charge for postage, please check with our staff for current rates. We use USPS for mailing supplement orders and can track your order to see when it is delivered. No refunds will be issued on a confirmed delivered package.
Costs for a chiropractic first visit will likely be between $150 and $225. Subsequent visits will be $65 to $75 for chiropractic and cranial/sacral care. Naturopathic first visits will be $300 and subsequent naturopathic visits cost between $75 to $225. Fees are based on complexity of case and time spent. For example, simple back pain or an acute infection take less time and evaluation than a serious injury or multiple complex health conditions. When you call for an appointment at 206-306-7797, our staff can give you a better idea of your expected visit cost.
Most lab tests and imaging studies that we refer out for are commonly covered under most personal insurance plans.
We accept major credit and debit cards, HSA cards and checks for payment.
Your right to privacy is very important to us. All medical records will be held in strict confidence. We will not release any information without written permission from you or a legal guardian.